1.) The biggest surprise for me from the reading about the either/or-thinking of the muddling mind-sets section. I thought looking for certainty in our lives would be considered a good thing.
2.) The part that confused me the most from the reading was one of the muddling mind-sets, probability thinking. I really understand what it meant with the examples given.
3.) There are two questions I would like to ask the author for this chapter. One is does he think there is a certain characteristic in the creative climate that is more important than others. There are many different traits listed but is there one that is more preferred. Another question is are there any drawbacks to any of the principles of innovation. Are there any consequences to being action oriented or starting small.
4.) The one thing I think the author was wrong about was with the either/or-thinking being a muddling mind-set. After the reading I do understand the author's point that a reasonable amount of uncertainty can be good in someones work or life, but I think a mindset of striving for certainty can lead to creativity as well. If someone knows the goal they need to achieve, they can figure out different steps they can take to achieve it. Also having certainty can lead to someone feeling more freely to think creatively.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Top 5 World Problems
Top 5 problems (Descending order)
1.) There is too much wasted food. People are very quick to dispose of something when they see the expiration date is passed, even though for most products its still perfectly edible. Many times the expiration date is put on by companies to make people by more of their product instead of being accurate. Any vegetables or fruits not bought in stores in thrown away.
2.) The amount of waste the world produces is too large and effecting our environment. There are islands of trash floating around in the sea contaminating the water and large acres of land with nothing but garbage giving off harmful fumes.
3.) Air pollution makes living in densely populated areas. Air in certain cities in China is so polluted from car exhaust fumes that it is impossible to see and people are getting sick everyday.
4.) Many countries around the world are either dealing with under population or over population. Japan, for instance, is experiencing a rapid decline in their population.
5.) People around the world continue to text or use their phones while driving. Even though there have been countless number of campaigns advising people to not do and people know how dangerous it is, they still do it.
The reason I decided food waste is the world's most serious problem is because i's something that most people unintentionally contribute to. This is something that could be easily preventable if the information about false expiration dates was more commonly know. The next two problems I ranked for the a similar reason except many people do know how it effects the world. I choose under and over population at #4 because it is a global issue. I ranked texting and driving as #5 there are a lot of things being done to stop it.
Top 5 Solutions (Descending order)
1.) (For problem #4) Advance the hands free technology in cars so people are more inclined to use that instead of looking at their phones. Certain cars allow you to send and read texts and control your music without looking on your phone. If all cars had that and had better voice recognition to make using it easier, more people would stop looking at their phones while driving.
2.) (For problem # 2) Require or promote companies to re-use waste in their products. Coca Cola has a program where they make handbags and other accessories out of recycled waste. If more companies that could replace their materials they use to make their products use recycled waste instead, the amount of trash laying around in the world would decrease.
3.) (For problem #3) Heavily push the development of electric cars to make them accessible and a viable option for people. If more people in dense urban areas have electric cars, the cleaner the air will be.
4.) (For problem #1) Enact a law that requires companies to show a true expiration date on foods. Allow vegetables and fruits not bought to be donated.
5.) (For problem #5) Have countries who face over population problems promote immigration to the countries with under population to help balance their demographics.
The reason I choose improving the hands free technology in cars to help prevent people from using their phones while driving to be the most implementable is because it's an improvement of what we already have. Many cars have some kinds of hands free technology as a standard feature. My solution was a call for wider implementation and improvements to the tech so more people will be able to use it and will want to use it. My reason for #2 was that there are already many companies who do this, this again was just a call to action for more companies to do it. The reason for #3 being in the middle of what could be easily implementable is because while there are many companies rolling out there own electric cars, there are many companies who aren't looking into it or not making their own electric vehicles easily accessible. My reasons ranking #4 and #5 were that they would take a lot of government involvement to implement.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Week 3 Identifying Local Opportunities
All stories are from the Orlando Sentinel,
1,) Garbage, yard waste woes still evident, street by street - County says it's improving service, though
Orange County's new automated garbage service is having problems operating after its implementation.
The problem is that the county is having trouble transitioning into a new garbage pick up system. They're having trouble scheduling pick up times, getting to all the neighborhoods, and operating the the new vehicles.
People who are running new services or are expanding on them have this problem.
2.) Crocodile took swim in pool in the Keys
A crocodile found its way into someones private pool.
The problem here is that homeowners are having trouble keeping animals away from their homes.
The people who have this problem are people who live near places with a lot of wildlife.
3.) County targets merchants' unsightly signs
Lake County is trying to find a way to get rid of all of the "snipe signs" on their roadways
The problem presented here is that snipe signs are creating annoyances for everyone. The officials in charge of getting rid of the signs, the people who put the signs up, and homeowners having to report the signs are all being disrupted by the signs.
Homeowners, small businesses, and county officials have the problem of dealing with how to handle snipe signs.
4.) Pit bull attack call: 'I can't calm down' - Police release audio of emergency dispatch calls
Officers had to put down a family's pit bulls after it attacked and injured the family and police officers.
The problem in the story was that the family and the police officers couldn't find a way to tame the pit bulls and it lead to people getting hurt.
People who have pit bulls or other pets that can be aggressive have this problem.
5.) Downtown shops put new spin on vinyl
Two new vinyl shops are opening in Downtown Orlando.
The problem presented in the story is that two shops are opening near each other that provide identical services.
New business owners have this problem of opening and competing with rival businesses.
1,) Garbage, yard waste woes still evident, street by street - County says it's improving service, though
Orange County's new automated garbage service is having problems operating after its implementation.
The problem is that the county is having trouble transitioning into a new garbage pick up system. They're having trouble scheduling pick up times, getting to all the neighborhoods, and operating the the new vehicles.
People who are running new services or are expanding on them have this problem.
2.) Crocodile took swim in pool in the Keys
A crocodile found its way into someones private pool.
The problem here is that homeowners are having trouble keeping animals away from their homes.
The people who have this problem are people who live near places with a lot of wildlife.
3.) County targets merchants' unsightly signs
Lake County is trying to find a way to get rid of all of the "snipe signs" on their roadways
The problem presented here is that snipe signs are creating annoyances for everyone. The officials in charge of getting rid of the signs, the people who put the signs up, and homeowners having to report the signs are all being disrupted by the signs.
Homeowners, small businesses, and county officials have the problem of dealing with how to handle snipe signs.
4.) Pit bull attack call: 'I can't calm down' - Police release audio of emergency dispatch calls
Officers had to put down a family's pit bulls after it attacked and injured the family and police officers.
The problem in the story was that the family and the police officers couldn't find a way to tame the pit bulls and it lead to people getting hurt.
People who have pit bulls or other pets that can be aggressive have this problem.
5.) Downtown shops put new spin on vinyl
Two new vinyl shops are opening in Downtown Orlando.
The problem presented in the story is that two shops are opening near each other that provide identical services.
New business owners have this problem of opening and competing with rival businesses.
Week 3 Reading Reflection
1.) The biggest surprise from the reading for me was reading how big Google is on the Global Perspective section. It has 1 million servers, 1 billion search requests, and 24 petabytes of user-generated data. I knew Google was big but I never knew the full scale of it.
2.) The one part of the reading that confused me was metacognitive model. I didn't really understand what it meant.
3.) There are two questions I would like to ask the author. The First one is what does he think the most important trait to have as an entrepreneur. Is vision or innovativeness a better trait to have? I'm curious if there is a trait that benefits a person more. Also I would ask if he really believes unrealistic optimism can be a good thing. I don't see any good from being too optimistic.
4.) While I do believe psychic risk can me a major problem for an entrepreneur, I think career risk is the greatest risk. You can mentally build back up after a catastrophe but a hit in your career could stop you from making an progress or force you to do something else.
2.) The one part of the reading that confused me was metacognitive model. I didn't really understand what it meant.
3.) There are two questions I would like to ask the author. The First one is what does he think the most important trait to have as an entrepreneur. Is vision or innovativeness a better trait to have? I'm curious if there is a trait that benefits a person more. Also I would ask if he really believes unrealistic optimism can be a good thing. I don't see any good from being too optimistic.
4.) While I do believe psychic risk can me a major problem for an entrepreneur, I think career risk is the greatest risk. You can mentally build back up after a catastrophe but a hit in your career could stop you from making an progress or force you to do something else.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
World's Biggest Problems
1.) Air pollution makes living in densely populated areas. Air in certain cities in China is so polluted from car exhaust fumes that it is impossible to see and people are getting sick everyday.
Solution: Heavily push the development of electric cars to make them accessible and a viable option for people. If more people in dense urban areas have electric cars, the cleaner the air will be.
2.) The amount of waste the world produces is too large and effecting our environment. There are islands of trash floating around in the sea contaminating the water and large acres of land with nothing but garbage giving off harmful fumes.
Solution: Require or promote companies to re-use waste in their products. Coca Cola has a program where they make handbags and other accessories out of recycled waste. If more companies that could replace their materials they use to make their products use recycled waste instead, the amount of trash laying around in the world would decrease.
3.) People, especially children, in 3rd world countries have little to no access to technology. Our world now revolves around computers and the internet. It can be detrimental for someone to not understand how to use these things work.
Solution: Have more tech companies or organizations send people to these countries to teach people how to use certain technologies.
4.) Kids who now grow up with the internet don't know how to act properly online. They can act viciously and don't know the right way to act online in certain scenarios.
Solution: Have a section or program in school that teaches kids how to treat other people online. Teach them the do's and don'ts of social media can be something they should learn early on.
5.) Higher education doesn't prepare people for the real world. While colleges teach people what they need to know for their careers, they aren't teaching young people how to deal with everyday situations they could face in their life.
Solution: Have certain courses or organizations to help people develop skills they would need for everyday life when they leave college.
6.) Accurate and unbiased journalism has decreased since the rise of the internet. We live in a time where the most informative, accurate, and unbiased journalism comes more from comedians than actual journalists. News media at times is more concerned with making things more profitable and keeping things interesting.
Solution: Provide media companies with more funds so they can focus less on how to make things profitable and focus more providing more reliable journalism.
7.) Many countries around the world are either dealing with under population or over population. Japan, for instance, is experiencing a rapid decline in their population.
Solution: Have countries who face over population problems promote immigration to the countries with under population to help balance their demographics.
8.) People around the world continue to text or use their phones while driving. Even though there have been countless number of campaigns advising people to not do and people know how dangerous it is, they still do it.
Solution: Advance the hands free technology in cars so people are more inclined to use that instead of looking at their phones. Certain cars allow you to send and read texts and control your music without looking on your phone. If all cars had that and had better voice recognition to make using it easier, more people would stop looking at their phones while driving.
9.) There is too much wasted food. People are very quick to dispose of something when they see the expiration date is passed, even though for most products its still perfectly edible. Many times the expiration date is put on by companies to make people by more of their product instead of being accurate. Any vegetables or fruits not bought in stores in thrown away.
Solution: Enact a law that requires companies to show a true expiration date on foods. Allow vegetables and fruits not bought to be donated.
10.) Many people have no idea how politics work, even though it is something important in our lives. Many are uninformed of new acts being passed or what goes on in our government.
Solution: Have a required class in high school or college teach people the basic concepts of their countries government.
Solution: Heavily push the development of electric cars to make them accessible and a viable option for people. If more people in dense urban areas have electric cars, the cleaner the air will be.
2.) The amount of waste the world produces is too large and effecting our environment. There are islands of trash floating around in the sea contaminating the water and large acres of land with nothing but garbage giving off harmful fumes.
Solution: Require or promote companies to re-use waste in their products. Coca Cola has a program where they make handbags and other accessories out of recycled waste. If more companies that could replace their materials they use to make their products use recycled waste instead, the amount of trash laying around in the world would decrease.
3.) People, especially children, in 3rd world countries have little to no access to technology. Our world now revolves around computers and the internet. It can be detrimental for someone to not understand how to use these things work.
Solution: Have more tech companies or organizations send people to these countries to teach people how to use certain technologies.
4.) Kids who now grow up with the internet don't know how to act properly online. They can act viciously and don't know the right way to act online in certain scenarios.
Solution: Have a section or program in school that teaches kids how to treat other people online. Teach them the do's and don'ts of social media can be something they should learn early on.
5.) Higher education doesn't prepare people for the real world. While colleges teach people what they need to know for their careers, they aren't teaching young people how to deal with everyday situations they could face in their life.
Solution: Have certain courses or organizations to help people develop skills they would need for everyday life when they leave college.
6.) Accurate and unbiased journalism has decreased since the rise of the internet. We live in a time where the most informative, accurate, and unbiased journalism comes more from comedians than actual journalists. News media at times is more concerned with making things more profitable and keeping things interesting.
Solution: Provide media companies with more funds so they can focus less on how to make things profitable and focus more providing more reliable journalism.
7.) Many countries around the world are either dealing with under population or over population. Japan, for instance, is experiencing a rapid decline in their population.
Solution: Have countries who face over population problems promote immigration to the countries with under population to help balance their demographics.
8.) People around the world continue to text or use their phones while driving. Even though there have been countless number of campaigns advising people to not do and people know how dangerous it is, they still do it.
Solution: Advance the hands free technology in cars so people are more inclined to use that instead of looking at their phones. Certain cars allow you to send and read texts and control your music without looking on your phone. If all cars had that and had better voice recognition to make using it easier, more people would stop looking at their phones while driving.
9.) There is too much wasted food. People are very quick to dispose of something when they see the expiration date is passed, even though for most products its still perfectly edible. Many times the expiration date is put on by companies to make people by more of their product instead of being accurate. Any vegetables or fruits not bought in stores in thrown away.
Solution: Enact a law that requires companies to show a true expiration date on foods. Allow vegetables and fruits not bought to be donated.
10.) Many people have no idea how politics work, even though it is something important in our lives. Many are uninformed of new acts being passed or what goes on in our government.
Solution: Have a required class in high school or college teach people the basic concepts of their countries government.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Bug List
- Why do earbuds break easily after only a short use?
- Because they're made out of cheap parts
- Why is it so difficult to find size 28 x 28 pants?
- Because it costs too much money for company to make more pants in a size that isn't really common.
- Why isn't Xbox video a supported app in 3rd party devices like a Vizio TV?
- Because only a small number of people use Xbox video.
- Why does Bing Rewards only allow you to redeem 15 searches per day?
- Because if they don't people would abuse the service.
- Why don't digital downloaded movies include the special behind the scenes stuff?
- Because companies need some initiative for people to buy the DVDs.
- Why don't more movies premiere online at the same times as they come out in theaters?
- Because its more profitable to have separate releases.
- Why does Facebook require you to download a messenger app?
- Because they want to provide a service to rival other similar apps
- Why are watch batteries difficult to change?
- By design
- Why is there a long process to by high-end cameras/ lenses?
- To make sure it stays undamaged and a high cost product doesn't fall into the wrong hands
- Why do PG-13 action movies shake the camera too often during fight scene?
- To avoid an R rating and make more money
- Why don't streaming services have more international songs available?
- Because record label disputes and the licensing costs outweighs the number of people who would listen to it.
- Why does Pandora limit you to an amount of songs to skip?
- To have an incentive to buy a subscription.
- Why is there always a long line at Chipotle?
- understaffed
- Why does Microsoft sell the Surface keyboard separately?
- Make more money
- Why doesn't apple allow you to have external storage for an iPhone/iPad?
- Make more money with people buying the more expensive models and security reasons.
- Why does Xbox Video only have dubbed versions of certain foreign movies?
- Audiences don't want to read subtitles.
- Why does Crunchyroll play 10+ adds for 25 minute long episodes?
- To make up for licensing costs.
- Why does the site hummingbird.me go down every other day?
- Because it's a small site that doesn't have access to more servers
- Why did YouTube take down many music / tv show soundtrack channels that it allowed before?
- YouTube Red's new policy.
- Why does the Windows store have so few apps?
- Because no developer thinks it would be beneficial to put their apps on the Windows store.
The biggest problem I had with coming up with this list was remember my "bugs". I knew there were many things I wasn't satisfied with but over time I've just gotten used to them to the put where I forgot they bothered me.
Week 2 Reading Reflection
1.) The biggest surprise from the reading for me was the fact on page 17 that said during the "Great Recession" more Americans became entrepreneurs than at any time in the past 20 years. I would have thought that a recession would decrease the number of people trying to become entrepreneurs.
2.) The part in the reading that confused me was the mentioning of "Venture Financing". To me it wasn't exactly clear what that was.
3.) One question I would ask the author is if they think all the different Entrepreneurial schools-of-thought were necessary, especially the Macro views. What benefits really come from studying this Another question I would ask is why pick Gazelle's to define business establishments? What is the similarities between the two that makes sense?
4.) The one thing I disagree on with the author is importance of understanding entrepreneur's through the macro view. I don't believe studying the external factors of an entrepreneur's development would provide any insight.
2.) The part in the reading that confused me was the mentioning of "Venture Financing". To me it wasn't exactly clear what that was.
3.) One question I would ask the author is if they think all the different Entrepreneurial schools-of-thought were necessary, especially the Macro views. What benefits really come from studying this Another question I would ask is why pick Gazelle's to define business establishments? What is the similarities between the two that makes sense?
4.) The one thing I disagree on with the author is importance of understanding entrepreneur's through the macro view. I don't believe studying the external factors of an entrepreneur's development would provide any insight.
Monday, January 11, 2016
My Entrepreneurship Story and what I want out of ENT3003
One time in my life where I was exposed to entrepreneurship was last last year during the spring semester. During my first week I went to this event called startup hour which was a gathering of a whole bunch of people involved in different startup companies in Gainesville. I talked to two guys who had just graduated from UF and started their own music promotion/ collaboration service. One of them was a Computer Science major and the other a business major but they both liked to produce music in their free time. I remember them telling me how they were very passionate about growing their startup because they knew first hand how hard it was for a new musician to gain exposure on their own. And even though there were other services similar to theirs, they were still going to try and work on it.
The reason I enrolled in ENT3003 is because I have zero understanding of the entrepreneurship process and its concepts. So with this class I would like to gain a grasp on what is means to be an entrepreneur and develop and entrepreneurial mindset. These are two things I think would be beneficial for me to understand when I start my career.
The reason I enrolled in ENT3003 is because I have zero understanding of the entrepreneurship process and its concepts. So with this class I would like to gain a grasp on what is means to be an entrepreneur and develop and entrepreneurial mindset. These are two things I think would be beneficial for me to understand when I start my career.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
My introduction
Hello everyone!
My name is Jason Jose. I was born in New Jersey but I've lived in Kissimmee, Florida for most of my life.
I'm an only child and much of my relatives still live in New Jersey. My major is Telecommunication Production and I'm interested in film making. When I'm done with college I want to be involved in either the TV or film industry.
My name is Jason Jose. I was born in New Jersey but I've lived in Kissimmee, Florida for most of my life.
I'm an only child and much of my relatives still live in New Jersey. My major is Telecommunication Production and I'm interested in film making. When I'm done with college I want to be involved in either the TV or film industry.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
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