Thursday, January 14, 2016

Week 2 Reading Reflection

1.) The biggest surprise from the reading for me was the fact on page 17 that said during the "Great Recession" more Americans became entrepreneurs than at any time in the past 20 years. I would have thought that a recession would decrease the number of people trying to become entrepreneurs.

2.) The part in the reading that confused me was the mentioning of "Venture Financing". To me it wasn't exactly clear what that was.

3.) One question I would ask the author is if they think all the different Entrepreneurial schools-of-thought were necessary, especially the Macro views. What benefits really come from studying this  Another question I would ask is why pick Gazelle's to define business establishments? What is the similarities between the two that makes sense?

4.) The one thing I disagree on with the author is importance of understanding entrepreneur's through the macro view. I don't believe studying the external factors of an entrepreneur's development would provide any insight.

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