- Why do earbuds break easily after only a short use?
- Because they're made out of cheap parts
- Why is it so difficult to find size 28 x 28 pants?
- Because it costs too much money for company to make more pants in a size that isn't really common.
- Why isn't Xbox video a supported app in 3rd party devices like a Vizio TV?
- Because only a small number of people use Xbox video.
- Why does Bing Rewards only allow you to redeem 15 searches per day?
- Because if they don't people would abuse the service.
- Why don't digital downloaded movies include the special behind the scenes stuff?
- Because companies need some initiative for people to buy the DVDs.
- Why don't more movies premiere online at the same times as they come out in theaters?
- Because its more profitable to have separate releases.
- Why does Facebook require you to download a messenger app?
- Because they want to provide a service to rival other similar apps
- Why are watch batteries difficult to change?
- By design
- Why is there a long process to by high-end cameras/ lenses?
- To make sure it stays undamaged and a high cost product doesn't fall into the wrong hands
- Why do PG-13 action movies shake the camera too often during fight scene?
- To avoid an R rating and make more money
- Why don't streaming services have more international songs available?
- Because record label disputes and the licensing costs outweighs the number of people who would listen to it.
- Why does Pandora limit you to an amount of songs to skip?
- To have an incentive to buy a subscription.
- Why is there always a long line at Chipotle?
- understaffed
- Why does Microsoft sell the Surface keyboard separately?
- Make more money
- Why doesn't apple allow you to have external storage for an iPhone/iPad?
- Make more money with people buying the more expensive models and security reasons.
- Why does Xbox Video only have dubbed versions of certain foreign movies?
- Audiences don't want to read subtitles.
- Why does Crunchyroll play 10+ adds for 25 minute long episodes?
- To make up for licensing costs.
- Why does the site hummingbird.me go down every other day?
- Because it's a small site that doesn't have access to more servers
- Why did YouTube take down many music / tv show soundtrack channels that it allowed before?
- YouTube Red's new policy.
- Why does the Windows store have so few apps?
- Because no developer thinks it would be beneficial to put their apps on the Windows store.
The biggest problem I had with coming up with this list was remember my "bugs". I knew there were many things I wasn't satisfied with but over time I've just gotten used to them to the put where I forgot they bothered me.
Based on your bugs list I could tell that you're very technologically advanced. Also, that you pay attention to the reason for these things. Even though they still bug you, you're aware of the reason for them. Although I had a similar issue, I knew there were things that bothered me but, I couldn't really remember them. I am also bugged by companies selling products a certain way. I know they need to make money but, it seems like they're already making enough. I really liked how specific your bugs are. I found that mine are very broad compared to yours. You did a very good job, Well done!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you on the issue of the Chipotle line. It's probably one of the main reasons that I don't go there as much as I want to, even though I still go way more than I should go there. I can also relate on the pants situation because I'm a 31/32 but it's almost impossible to find that size anywhere. My list wasn't as specific as yours but you can check it out here, http://sowersent3003.blogspot.com/2016/01/bug-list.html.