Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

1.) The biggest surprise for me from the reading about the either/or-thinking of the muddling mind-sets section. I thought looking for certainty in our lives would be considered a good thing.

2.) The part that confused me the most from the reading was one of the muddling mind-sets, probability thinking. I really understand what it meant with the examples given.

3.) There are two questions I would like to ask the author for this chapter. One is does he think there is a certain characteristic in the creative climate that is more important than others. There are many different traits listed but is there one that is more preferred. Another question is are there any drawbacks to any of the principles of innovation. Are there any consequences to being action oriented or starting small.

4.) The one thing I think the author was wrong about was with the either/or-thinking being a muddling mind-set. After the reading I do understand the author's point that a reasonable amount of uncertainty can be good in someones work or life, but I think a mindset of striving for certainty can lead to creativity as well. If someone knows the goal they need to achieve, they can figure out different steps they can take to achieve it. Also having certainty can lead to someone feeling more freely to think creatively.

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