Thursday, February 25, 2016

Half-way Reflection

1.) A behavior I picked up to keep up with this course is to try and stay organized and manage my time well. There were times in the beginning where I would almost forget to do assignments. Now I keep a schedule on when I want to get things done.

2.) Moments I felt like giving up was when I had to do the interviews and the elevator pitch. I couldn't bring myself to do them but then I realized that they were things that could be done really quickly. I think those two assignments have helped me develop a tenacious attitude.

3.) three tips I would give out for this course:

  1. Keep a schedule on when you want to get things done. This makes things easier.
  2. Don't worry about having to go out and asking/ interviewing people.
  3. Having a friend with you when doing some of the assignments can make things easier.


  1. Hey, Jason! We have had very similar experiences in this course. I didn't want to do the interview/video recording assignments either. In terms of your tips, a lot of the ones I've read so far have been like yours too, especially the last one. Involving friends has definitely made the class more doable. Nicely done and good luck with the rest of the semester!

    Here is the link to my Half-Way Reflection if you want to take a look at it:

  2. Hey! I wrote the same first tip. The most important thing about this class is to keep a schedule. I also think it is important to look ahead a week or two in order to see what the assignments require from you in order to not feel pressured by cutomer interviews or any of the other larger assignments. Here's a link to my halfway reflection:
