1.) What surprised me the most from the readings was finding out how long it takes to obtain a patent. I knew the process was complicated, but I never thought it would take 24 months to get it done.
2.) One part of the reading that confused me was the reasons a trademark may be invalidated. I didn't understand what the conditions they listed meant at first, but after reading them again I got it.
3.) A question I would ask the author is which of the three primary forms of organization does he think is more suitable for a smaller business. Would a sole proprietorship or partnership be more beneficial. Also, with this chapter being about trademarks and legal challenges, I would ask the author a question on a current event. I would ask him what he thinks about the Finebros. controversy that happened over the past week with them trying to trademark content.
4.) There is one thing I disagree with that the author wrote. He states that generic words never get trademarked, but there have been many times in recent events where they have been. The game studio, King, trademarked the word "Candy" for Candy Crush, Sony tried to trademark the term "Let's Play", and the Finebros trademarked the "React".
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