Sunday, April 24, 2016

Final Reflection

1.) The high points for me from my blog have always been the elevator pitches. I've always had a problem with public speaking, and talking to a camera was a good way of practicing that. The low points are the interviewing customer assignment questions. I didn't like going up to random people to ask them questions and I dreaded that assignment every time I came up.

2.) The experience that will definitely stick with me was being able to think of a product and kind of working on it for months. I got a lot of positive experience where people said they would actually buy my product. That kind of makes me what to pursue actually making my product real.

3.) I think I have gotten closer to developing a entrepreneurial mindset. After all the assignments and readings, I have a better understanding of what it takes to be an entrepreneur and the work needed to be a successful one.

4.) One tip I would give to future students is to come up with product or service that you really believe in. This is make assignments easier for you. Also it will make them more invested in the work they do throughout the semester.


  1. Jason,
    I agree with you about the costumer interviews. Those were always a dread of mine as well, but I just had to push through. I think that elevator pitches were a great exercise and I also really enjoyed them. Check out my post:

  2. Jason,
    I agree with just about everything you said in this post. I think the elevator pitches were great assignments and they helped me a lot as well. Also, choosing a product that you believe in is a good tip and I believe it is an important part of this class. If you want to take a look at my post, here it is:

  3. Hi! I agree with pretty much every thing you said here! I kind of even wish that I would have used some of these things instead of the ones I did use. But all in all great post! If you want to check out my post here is the link!
