Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Venture Concept No. 2

The feedback I got from my previous venture concept post really helped better develop my product. For the most part I got a very positive reception of the general idea. The people who commented loved the idea of a more efficient key chain. They also agreed with me that my competition isn't nearly as convenient as mine. The ways I was told I could improve my product was to also find a way to make sure non-commercial users could use it as well. If someone had an uncommon kind of key that wouldn't fit in my product, there would still be a way they could carry it around. So I decided to add more to the design element to work on this. Also, during the venture concept the pricing of my product was brought to light for the first time. I didn't spend a whole lot of time thinking about a good cost for this, but after seeing feedback saying that I needed to change it I did.


My venture is trying to meet the under-met needs people have with their key chains. What created this opportunity was the fact there isn’t much innovation or redesign happening to key chains in this day and age. The market for this product is very broad. Anyone can benefit from using this product, but the main demographics I’m targeting are businesses and students. Workers in hotels, convention centers, or stores, would benefit from the advantages of my product, KeyBrain, since they would be the most likely demographic who would carry 10 or more keys at a time. Also, as a student myself, I believe that the younger demographic would like to see a more efficient design of a key chain with less of the annoyances a regular one has.
As of right now must customers are just complacent with key chains now. They are aware of the annoyances they have but do not know of a better alternative to fix it. But if a better key chain product became known I think many people would be quick to switch to it. I think this opportunity could have a large impact on the world. A majority of people carry a key chain around with them at all time, especially college students. People are always looking for the efficient versions of products and KeyBrain would be just that for them. I think the window of opportunity for this will be open for at least 10 years. The main detriment to this venture is the widespread use of key-less cars and doors, but these things are just starting to get into use. Also growth of it is very slow since it can be very expensive to implement, so many people just dismiss it entirely and stick with the old-fashioned key ring. If this mentality continues, this venture could still be success for much longer than expected.


KeyBrain is a new way to carry around your keys. The old-fashioned key ring comes with many small annoyances. They can be bulky in your pocket and take up too much space, this can lead to them pricking the side your leg when walking or sitting, it can be hard to find the right key when you need them if you carry a lot at once, also they can be noisy by jiggling around when you walk. KeyBrains design is meant to eliminate all these issues. The product is a small, thin container that you slip your keys. The container itself looks like a thin USB drive. On the one its sides are small colored knobs for each slot a key is in. You push these up and down to reveal/ hide the key. With the compact design, it reduces the amount of space your keys take up and the noise it makes when you move around and eliminates the chances of your keys hitting your leg when you sit. Also the knobs on the side make getting the right key easier. There is also key finder feature with it. Many people tend to misplace their keys often. The KeyBrain has a companion app that helps you find your keys. If you lose your keys, you can open the app to trigger a small flickering light on the container to help make it more visible. There is also a small GPS device so you can have idea where they are.
With this product we are making money through customization options. The standard KeyBrain, which holds 5 keys, costs $20. These would come in different colors like dark blue, red, orange, green, etc. If someone just wants to add one more key to the standard product, a key slot attachment is afford at $2 with each different color. For business, the KeyBrain XL houses a minimum of 10 keys at $30 with different colors sold as well. Lastly, there is a small add-on that comes with each product. This is a small little knob and an old style key ring. This is for users who might have an uncommon size key that might not be compatible with the product. So they can still carry around the key and use my product.

Venture Capital

The main reason customers would switch to this new product is because they see how more convenient it is over the old fashioned key ring everyone uses. In this day in age, people are buying new products for things that have always been the same for the sake of convenience. Modern takes on coffee machines of picture frames are a few of the examples that show this. One customers see how much better KeyBrain is compared to their key chains, I believe they would quickly make the switch to it. Today, if something isn’t working as well as it should be, people are quick to find something to replace. I believe that many people are sick of the annoyances that come with carry a full key chain and are waiting for something like KeyBrain to fix these small annoyances in their life.
The biggest competitor to my product is the Keyport, a modular key chain. However, their product isn’t as user-friendly or as well designed as mine. First of all, their product standard product is the size of what my XL model is. Also, it isn’t as easy as sticking your keys into it and its done. People have to order their keyport and send their keys to be made to fit into the container. With packaging, the simpler the better would do well for this kind of product. Having it placed in a small plastic box works well since the customer could fully see and imagine how the product would work. I also think our price points help define our business concept. We’re all about designing products that have maximum efficiency. Having these priced at $15 to $20 is a reasonable price for the product we are selling. The distribution, customer service have a small role in my businesses concept. With this venture I would like to keep a small number of employees. I would partner with a manufacturing company to make the product, and have a 5 man design team for future innovations, and 20 man business team to deal with company accounting and deals.

The three minor elements

My most important resource will be my design experience. Having prior knowledge on how to properly design something that’s user-friendly will give me an edge when starting this venture and help differentiate my products from others. The next product I aim to make is a modular phone case. With this you can add different peripherals to the back of your phone like a battery pack or earbud holder. Like the KeyBrain, it aims to maximize the efficiency of a product. If this venture launched, in 5 years I would like to be working on this business full time. After 10 years, I hope to have created a handful of products that people use every day. Hopefully, this venture would be the first of many.


  1. Hey, Jason! From your post and how you took the input of those that commented on the last venture concept, it seems like you have a very good idea of how to create this business and of how it will be advantageous to your customers. I can see how your product would help people too and thus be a necessity. Nicely done and have a nice break! Here is the link to my post if you would like to check it out:

  2. Hey Jason,
    Great job on this assignment. You really listened to feedback and optimized your venture concept. This assignment made me realize that business is a constant updating of plans and procedures. I think your focus of business plan and keeping the mindset customer based is key to succeeding. Thanks and read mine here

  3. Hello Jason! Thank you for sharing your insightful analysis about your venture. I like how you modified the concept again based on the feedback you got. I think the price for the Key Brain is now reasonable and I would love to buy one for my house. I think you understand the opportunity of this venture and it will definitely succeed!
    Great job on this!
    You can take a look at my blog
