1.)In chapter 3, I was surprised to see that "do not punish failure" was a written corporate philosophy. I thought that failure was something people would understand how to deal with in the corporate world already. I thought they would already know that failure can be a learning experience.
2.) One part that confused me from chapters 3 was the traditional management practice, Control against plan. The book stated its adverse effects and recommended actions, but it was hard to understand what that kind of practice was.
3.) One question I would ask the author is are there any other ways to define a social entrepreneur. He listed a few characteristics in chapter 4, but are there any other ways to define them. Also, which of the social enterprises obligations is the most important. Is the conservation of energy or environment or community involvement more important than the others.
4.) One thing I don't agree with the author on is in chapter 4. He listed average commute time as a bottom line measure of social performance. Compared to the other examples listed, I don't see this as an important factor. There are many other ways to measure someones social performance than how long it takes them to get to work.
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